During Catholic Schools Week, SRS students bring in sandwiches for the hungry
Why pay extra for a Catholic education? Whether you are new to the area, to our school, or would just like a nugget to pass on to your friends about the value of Catholic school—and St. Raphael School in particular—this is for you.
Character Development and Service Work
The Golden Rule is the moral compass that guides the students in a Catholic school and navigates every turn in their educational and emotional development. It gives students the strength to say no at appropriate times and the courage to help those in need while others walk past. Catholic education instills the values to understand right from wrong and works to create engaged citizens who respect the rights and feelings of others. Jesus said, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me.” The Archdiocese of Washington website notes: “All students are continuously encouraged to make a difference by serving their community through independent volunteer work and school-sponsored service, such as making sandwiches for the homeless, working with the disabled or aiding emergency relief efforts.” Woven into the daily school lives of St. Raphael students, outreach opportunities teach the students that others need our attention, care, and compassion.
SRS Examples of Character Development and Service Work
Academic Excellence
Catholic education provides a solid academic foundation. Compared with their public-school peers, Catholic school students earn higher scores on standardized tests in every subject area. The Catholic high school graduation rate is a staggering 99%. Of these graduates, 86% go on to college, compared with 49% of public high school graduates. Catholic elementary schools generally start in kindergarten and continue through the eighth grade, eliminating the need to transfer to a new facility for middle school. Research shows that middle-schoolers who stay in the same school for grades K-8 perform better academically and have fewer absences than their peers who attend a separate middle-school.
SRS Examples of Academic Excellence
Catholic Identity
Catholic Identity isn’t just ingrained in the children when they learn Catholic songs and prayers or go to Mass but in all parts of their school day. Weekly Mass, praying for a sick friend, openly thanking God for the beautiful day, or even learning to say a Hail Mary when an ambulance goes by steeps children in Catholic culture. Teaching students these virtues help them to maintain and pass on the very best of our Catholic traditions.
SRS Examples of Catholic Identity
A strong sense of community is one of the core reasons many families choose to send their children to Catholic schools. All children, from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, combine to form a Catholic collective dedicated to helping those both inside and outside the community. Family involvement is critical and results in a close-knit, fun, and loving environment supported by faith, hard work, and good friendships.
SRS Examples of Community
i United States Department of Education, National Catholic Educational Association, Harvard University
ii National Catholic Educational Association
iii Columbia Graduate School of Business
Pre-K through Grade 8 | co-ed
1513 Dunster Road, Rockville, MD 20854
Phone: 301-762-2143 | Fax: 301-762-4991 | Email