Our extended programs are offered to those families who have a regular-based need for their child to participate. We will do our best to accommodate those families that have an emergency or last-minute situation arise. In the event of an emergency or last-minute situation, parents will need to contact the front desk receptionist.
Morning preschoolers may be dropped off at 7:30 a.m. for supervised playtime with our Before Care staff on days that they are scheduled for class.
Cost: $10
Registration will be made available in mid-August.
After Care will be offered from 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. On Early Dismissal days, the program will be offered starting at 12:15 p.m. for our SRS students at a slightly increased cost.
Students attending After Care will be supervised during indoor and outdoor play, have an opportunity to complete homework, and should bring a snack from home.
Cost: $20 /day and $25 for extended care on SRS half-days.
Registration will be made available in mid-August.
Extended Day Registration and Billing Policies
Payment is welcome at the time of registration. Invoices are sent out monthly via email for an outstanding balance. Your invoice will include our federal tax ID for tax purposes.
Billing is only for days of service.
Outstanding balances, if not settled by the end of June, will be charged to your TADS account for payment.
Pre-K through Grade 8 | co-ed
1513 Dunster Road, Rockville, MD 20854
Phone: 301-762-2143 | Fax: 301-762-4991 | Email