A man playing golf in front of a hole sponsor sign

Ready to Earn Your Wings?

If you've been thinking about becoming a Wings Sponsor, now is the perfect time because we are seeking our Wings Sponsors for the next school year! Ready to be a major supporter of SRS? Know someone who is? Contact Stacey Woodward. The security of knowing you are there at every event is an unbelievable gift to the SRS community!

Wings Multi-Event Sponsorship

★ One sponsorship

★ Five flagship events

★ Infinite rewards


Earn your Wings as you support the newest Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Washington! Whether you are a company looking to build customer loyalty through repeated exposure to the 8,500 members of the St. Raphael community or a family wishing to support your child’s school, your message will touch thousands through your Wings Multi-Event Sponsorship. Your investment in St. Raphael School makes such a difference in the lives of our students and in the growth of our school. A Wings Multi-Event Sponsorship provides SRS with a wonderful gift—the security of knowing that you are there for us throughout the year.

Your support earns you premier sponsorship of the major SRS events through signage, program ads, and social media promotions; a customized full-color banner in Trumpet Room for the entire school year; mention in weekly communications to our families; tickets to events; and more—all for a one-time contribution of $2,500 (payable quarterly or in one lump sum).

Thank you for your consideration of a Wings Multi-Event Sponsorship. We are so grateful for the many angels among us!

Folleto en sapello

Customized Banner

  • Large, color banner displayed in the Trumpet Room during school year
  • Banner visible to our 8,500-member parish at various church, school, and community events, including receptions, fundraisers, Knights of Columbus functions, Christmas and Easter Masses, and Scout meetings



  • Name/logo on SRS and SRNS newsletters seen by all K-8 and preschool families every week during the school year


Fr. Bill Finch Memorial St. Raphael Golf Classic

  • Quarter-page ad in the event program and special recognition at the reception
  • Name/logo on the event website and sponsor signage
  • Name/logo in the bulletin distributed at parish Masses
  • Special Wings Sponsor recognition hole
  • Two (2) guest passes to reception


Angels on the Run 5K

  • Name/logo on the race T-shirts
  • Name/logo on printed materials
  • Name/logo included on sponsor signage at the event 
  • Your promotional materials included in race packets
  • Four (4) runner registrations


Drama Production

  • Sponsor recognition in event program
  • Two (2) tickets to the spring musical
  • Look up! Your banner is hanging in the Trumpet Room for all to appreciate


Girls’ Night Out

  • Sponsor recognition in event promotion and at event
  • Name/logo on event webpage
  • Look up! Your banner is hanging in the Trumpet Room—the venue for our popular Girls' Night Out


Spring Soiree / SpringFest Annual Adult Social

  • Name/logo on sponsor signage displayed during event
  • Advertising on the event website/Facebook page/parish bulletin
  • Two (2) tickets to Spring Soiree, including open bar
  • Linked logos on the Spring Soiree online auction


The Wings Multi-Event Sponsorship program is aligned with the school year from September through June. Find the dates of our flagship events supported by the Wings Program by visiting our Spotlight Events Calendar.


Secure my wings sponsorship

For information about how you can participate in the St. Raphael School Wings Sponsorship program, contact our Development Office: 

Stacey Woodward

(914) 329-1694

A logo for st. raphael school wings multi-event sponsorship
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