If you need a form that isn't listed here, contact the school office at 301-762-2143.
SRNS Health Forms:
Only SRNS site has the checklist, parent guide, medical evaluation for childcare. Those do not need to be on the SRS website.
If you have questions regarding any of the health forms, please contact the school nurse.
These forms are for preschool only. There are different forms for K-8 students.
Take me to the SRS health forms page
Our responsive website is chock-full of information for students, parents, caregivers, and members of our community. We strive to keep the content current and accessible, but we are human and appreciate feedback from our website visitors. If you experience a problem with our site, whether it's incorrect content, a bad link, missing information, or an accessibility issue, use the appropriate link below to report the matter to us so that our staff may rectify it in a timely fashion.
The Friday Flyer is emailed to parents weekly.
Whether you are looking for a great summer camp, a place for kids’ golf lessons, or even a roofer, the SRNS listserv (srns-listserv@googlegroups.com) has references from people you know and trust. Helping each other is what our school is all about! Searchable archives and adjustable settings: no email, digest form, or get every email—you choose. Spam-free. The school listserv is managed by a parent volunteer. To subscribe, click below and say you'd like to join!
Stay connected when you are on campus by taking advantage of the wireless access points located throughout the building. Ask the school receptionist for the username and password.
Pre-K through Grade 8 | co-ed
1513 Dunster Road, Rockville, MD 20854
Phone: 301-762-2143 | Fax: 301-762-4991 | Email