Grades K-5: The mission of social studies in grades kindergarten through fifth is to provide experiences that develop in students the knowledge, concepts, strategies, and skills needed to promote citizenship in a diverse world. Good social studies instruction is meaningful, engaging, and challenging.
Social studies concepts are woven throughout our curriculum. Lessons actively engage students in the content of social studies by interacting with a variety of resources and then demonstrating what they have learned through various performance-based and traditional assessments.
Grades 6-8: Middle-school social studies is an integration of the social sciences that explain human relationships within society and the world around us. Students are encouraged to develop the skills necessary to become informed citizens of our world. The following disciplines are included in social studies classes:
Geography—understanding the world around us, including the five themes of geography
Civics—the role students play as citizens in a democratic society
Government and law—understanding our democratic republic and the Charters of Freedom, including the Constitution
History—understanding past events and their impact on the world today
Economics—understanding the different types of economies and the transfer and consumption of material goods
Religion—a reflection on our Catholic faith and other faiths in the world to gain a deeper appreciation of all cultures
In sixth grade, we study ancient civilizations, the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment, early North and South American civilizations, and settlement of the Americas by European countries.
In seventh grade, we study the continent of Africa, the early African civilizations into the Middle East. Then we move into Asia, with a study of the Indian sub-continent, China, Japan, the Koreas (including ancient and modern history), and Oceania.
In eighth grade, we study the American Revolution until Reconstruction.