SRNS Parent Participation

Parents Play an Important Role at SRNS

We are a parent-participatory school, and we count on each family to assist in the life of the school. Without involvement from our parents, the school would not be able to provide the extraordinary experience your child deserves. At the beginning of the school year, we ask parents to indicate their preference for how they would like to be involved.

The sign-up at the bottom includes a list of available volunteer opportunities and a brief description of each. Every effort is made to assign you the job of your choice. If you have more time to offer, love to get involved, and want to be considered for more than one position, you may indicate that on the form.

  • Complete one form for each child in the nursery school.
  • If your form is not submitted by the deadline, you will be assigned a job depending on the needs of the school and be expected to fulfill that role.
  • Jobs will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

ADW Volunteer Application

Archdiocese of Washington Volunteer Requirements

We are so grateful for the many volunteers who help out in ways big and small at St. Raphael Nursery School. Because protecting our students is of utmost importance, all volunteers who have significant contact with children are required to complete the Archdiocese of Washington child-protection training known as “Virtus,” and we adhere to the ADW's child-protection guidelines.

Steps to Helping Out at SRNS

Parents or caregivers who want to lend a hand at SRNS, whether volunteer or paid (such as subbing in the classroom or working Lunch Bunch), must meet requirements set forth by the Archdiocese of Washington and the Maryland State Department of Education's Office of Child Care.

1. Complete Virtus training

  • Create a Virtus account, and register for a training session. From the pulldown menu, select "Washington, DC (Archdiocese)" for the organization. (Note: To find out when the next training will be offered at St. Raphael School, contact the school office or view the searchable training schedule.)

2. Submit an employee application

3. Sign the Child Protection Policy Agreement Form

  • Read the Child Protection Policy booklet provided to you at your Virtus training session.
  • Sign the acknowledgment form found in the booklet, and return it to the receptionist, who will give it to the school's child-protection coordinator.

4. Undergo fingerprinting

5. Submit MSDE forms

  • Additional materials required by the Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Child Care, will be available in August for upcoming school year.


Should you have any questions regarding helping out at SRNS, either on a paid or volunteer basis, contact Julie Cress.

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