Start of School Year

A clipboard with three check marks on it

Forms Checkllist

  • Before Care (SRNS only) and Aftercare
  • Dismissal Form 
  • Family Survey (English and Spanish)
  • Health Forms
  • Technology Protection Plan (grades 6-8) 

Volunteering Requirements:

Helpful Info

If you need a form that isn't listed here, contact the school office at 301-762-2143.

NOTE: After Care is offered to registered students. To facilitate our planning, families must submit the online registration for those intending to use this service.

School Clubs & Activities

Handbook and Health Forms

I. Handbook

II. Bullying and Harassment Information

III. SRS Health Forms

We appreciate your prompt submission of our health forms, most of which are required before the start of school for admission to SRS. If you have questions regarding these forms, contact the school nurse.

**Are you filling out the correct forms?

These forms are for K-8 only. There are different forms for preschool students.


SRS Website

Our responsive website is chock-full of information for students, parents, caregivers, and members of our community. We strive to keep the content current and accessible, but we are human and appreciate feedback from our website visitors. If you experience a problem with our site, whether it's incorrect content, a bad link, missing information, or an accessibility issue, use the appropriate link below to report the matter to us so that our staff may rectify it in a timely fashion.


School Communications

Wednesday Weekly is emailed to parents. 


Social Media


SRS Listserv

Whether you are looking for a great summer camp, a place for kids’ golf lessons, or even a roofer, the SRS listserv has references from people you know and trust. Helping each other is what our school is all about! Searchable archives and adjustable settings: no email, digest form, or get every email—you choose. Spam-free. The school listserv is managed by a parent volunteer. To subscribe, click below and say you'd like to join!


WiFi for Guests

Stay connected when you are on campus by taking advantage of the wireless access points located throughout the building. Ask the school receptionist for the username and password.

Counselor's Corner

Resource Room

Overview from the School Counseling Center

The Guidance Program at St. Raphael School is dedicated to fostering the healthy academic, social, and emotional development of our children in accordance with the mission of St. Raphael School and the Archdiocese of Washington. I provide support for students on an individual basis and through group counseling as well as consultation with teachers and families when needed.  

Guidance services are available to all students and families. Please contact me via email if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions. I am on site Wednesday mornings and can be reached by phone at school.  

~ Katie Vedete


Forms: Consent For Ongoing School Counseling Form


With their years of extensive experience, our resource teachers work with small groups of students who have special needs or learning styles. The goal of the Resource Department is to identify strengths and needs of exceptional learners to provide early intervention and available services. Each instructor assists as needed with reading, writing, or math skills and may also provide support for assignments in social studies and science. In addition, students receive assistance in developing more effective organizational and study skills.

In keeping with our customized education promise, the resource teachers consult with classroom teachers to assist them with providing differentiated instruction for their students. Special technology programs such as Dragon Dictation and Kurzweil are incorporated as needed to facilitate student learning.

Through their work in the SRS Resource Department, students learn that they can find new ways to solve problems, achieve success in mastering something that had been difficult for them, and grow confident in themselves as learners.


Instructors: Molly Nagel and Dona Dulski

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