
St. Raphael School uniforms are comfortable, promote school spirit, and allow students to take pride in their appearance. The school’s uniform providers are FlynnO’Hara and Lands’ End (our school number: 900120254). Many uniform pieces may be purchased from either vendor. The jumper, tights, middle-school plaid skirt, and middle-school tie are available only at FlynnO’Hara. The P.E. uniform, green sweater, green sweatshirt, and middle-school blazer must be purchased through Lands’ End. Note that the white ankle-length leggings are not carried by either vendor, so parents may purchase at the merchant of their choice. Students may wear their Scout uniforms on meeting days.

Uniform Price Sheet


Boys & Girls

Preferred Attire

Kindergarten students are encouraged to wear their P.E. uniform on a daily basis, which consists of the following:

  • Green shorts or sweatpants (SRS crest not required)**
  • White or gray T-shirt with SRS crest**
  • Green sweatshirt with SRS crest**
  • Sneakers with with ankle or crew socks (white)


Optional Attire

  • Khaki pants or shorts
  • White or green short or long sleeve polo with SRS crest
  • Sneakers or brown shoes with ankle or crew socks (white)


Optional Attire

  • Khaki pants, shorts, or skorts
  • White or green short or long sleeve polo with SRS crest
  • Plaid jumper* with polo shirt (white or green)
  • Sneakers or brown shoes with ankle, crew or knee-high socks (white or green); tights (white or dark green)*; or ankle-length leggings (white)***

* Jumper and tights available only at FlynnO’Hara

** P.E. uniform available only at Lands' End

*** White leggings not available at Lands' End or FlynnO'Hara; purchase at the merchant of your choice

Grades 1-5

  • Grades 1 and 2 have P.E. once a week and must wear their P.E. uniform.
  • Grades 3-5 have P.E. four times a week. There are two designated P.E. uniform days assigned by class. The daily attire is worn the remaining three days. 


Daily Attire

  • Khaki pants or shorts
  • White or green short or long sleeve polo with SRS crest
  • Green sweater or green sweatshirt with SRS crest**
  • Brown shoes with ankle or crew socks (white)


Daily Attire

  • Khaki pants, shorts, or skorts
  • White or green short or long sleeve polo with SRS crest
  • Green sweater or green sweatshirt with SRS crest**
  • Plaid jumper* with polo (white or green)
  • Brown shoes with ankle socks (white), knee-high socks (white or green), tights (white or dark green)*
  • , or ankle-length leggings (white)***

Boys & Girls

P.E. Attire

  • Green shorts or sweatpants (SRS crest not required)**
  • White or gray T-shirt with SRS crest**
  • Green sweatshirt with SRS crest**
  • Sneakers with ankle or crew socks (white)

* Jumper and tights available only at FlynnO’Hara

** Green sweater, green sweatshirt, and P.E. uniform available only at Lands' End

*** White leggings not available at Lands' End or FlynnO'Hara; purchase at the merchant of your ch

Grades 6-8

Formal dress uniform is mandatory every Monday, all Holy Days, and designated special occasions. Grades 6-8 have P.E. four times a week. There are two designated P.E. uniform days assigned by class.


Dress Attire

  • Green blazer with SRS crest**
  • Gray slacks
  • White oxford shirt
  • Green striped tie*
  • Brown shoes with ankle or crew socks (white)


Daily Attire

  • Khaki pants or shorts
  • Green or white polo with SRS crest
  • Gray sweatshirt with SRS crest
  • Brown shoes with ankle or crew socks (white)

Boys & Girls

P.E. Attire

  • Green shorts or Green sweatpants (SRS crest not required) or grey sweatpants from the school store
  • White or gray T-shirt with SRS crest**
  • Gray sweatshirt with SRS crest
  • Sneakers with ankle or crew socks (white)


Dress Attire

  • Green blazer with SRS crest**
  • Plaid skirt*
  • White oxford shirt (short or long sleeve)
  • Brown shoes with ankle socks (white), knee-high socks (white or green), tights)
  • white or dark green)*
  • , or ankle-length leggings (white)***


Daily Attire

  • Khaki pants, shorts, or skort
  • Plaid skirt*
  • Green or white polo with SRS crest
  • Gray sweatshirt with SRS crest
  • Brown shoes with ankle socks (white), knee-high socks (white or green), tights (white or dark green)*, or ankle-length leggings (white)***

Boys & Girls

P.E. Attire

  • Green shorts or Green sweatpants (SRS crest not required) or grey sweatpants from the school store
  • White or gray T-shirt with SRS crest**
  • Gray sweatshirt with SRS crest
  • Sneakers with ankle or crew socks (white)

* Tie, plaid skirt, and tights available only at FlynnO’Hara

** Blazer and P.E. uniform available only at Lands' End

*** White leggings not available at Lands' End or FlynnO'Hara; purchase at the vendor of your choice

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