Dear Middle School Parents ~
St. Raphael School continues to invest in its students through our technology program. This program provides each student in grades 6-8 with an iPad. A one-time $250 fee for students entering 6th grade or who are new to middle school is required to insure each device. Complete the form below and submit your payment to the front desk receptionist by the end of September. Students will also be issued a stylus pen for the school year.
All devices must be returned to the school at the end of each school year. If the iPad device is damaged or lost, there will be a replacement fee of $250.00. There will be a minimal fee if the stylus pen is damaged or lost.
Thank you for your support in securing the integrity of our technology products. As always, I thank you for choosing St. Raphael and am grateful for this opportunity to help our students appreciate and respect the educational resources available to them.
~ Taylor Cotting
Pre-K through Grade 8 | co-ed
1513 Dunster Road, Rockville, MD 20854
Phone: 301-762-2143 | Fax: 301-762-4991 | Email